Bog Springs Campground, Madera Canyon, AZ Early March to Mid April |
 Verdin in Mesquite Auriparus flaviceps |
 Greater Roadrunner - note orange Geococcyx californianus |
 Is this Roadrunner sunbathing to kill mites? |
 Roadrunner stalking a bug. |
 Vermillion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus Rubinus |
 Black Tailed Gnatcatcher Polioptila melanura |
 Black Tailed Gnat Catcher |
 Black Phoebe Sayornis nigricans
 Unknown Please assist with ID Seen at trees at river's edge next to campground, Rio Grande Village |
 Unknown Please Assist with ID Same bird. |
 White Winged Dove |
 Black Phoebe |
 Ruby Crowned Kinglet |
 Great Blue Heron |
 Great Blue Heron |
 Great Blue Heron |
Birds seen in Roy Gilbert Park, Tucson AZ,March and April 2006 |
 Cactus Wren |
 Cactus Wren |
 Pyrrhuloxia |
 Female Flicker on cactus Does Not look like Gila Need ID |
 Cactus Wren |
 Mourning Dove |
 Ladderback Woodpecker on Ocotillo. |
 Curved Bill Thrasher Fishhook cactus in BG. |
 Gambel's Quail |
 Gambel's Quail |
 House Finch |
 Verdin robbing hummingbird feeder. |
 Black-Throated Sparrow |
Bog Springs Campground, Madera Canyon, AZ Early March to Mid April |
 Bridled Titmouse |
 Scott's Oriole |
 Bulloch's Oriole |
 Bulloch's Oriole |
 Bulloch's Oriole in Alligator pine. |
 Bulloch's Oriole |
 Bulloch's Oriole |
 Female Arizona Woodpecker. |
 Male Arizona Woodpecker. |
 Painted Redstart |
 Painted Redstart |
 Female Acorn Woodpecker |
 Male Acorn Woodpecker |
 Female Scotts Oriole? |
 Bullock's Oriole |