One Hour of Unedited Hummingbird Photography: Technique and Methods

Click the large image once to see it larger, and click yet again to see it at FULL resolution! But don't forget to read the caption UNDER is page to get all the technical info.

Entrance, stage left
Entrance, stage left
Actually, this guy is most likely in hover position, which he takes to guard his wider environment and perhaps rest between sips of nectar. Identifying this position is key for getting well framed photos. Ordinarily, I would cut in half the empty space on the left side of the photo, and this bird would be entirely within the frame. Because he's not my target bird, I'm disregarding this info. We still have not seen my target bird, this hour, so we'll see how well I do with this pre-focused, pre-framed position.
photography,digital darkroom,hummingbird,high speed flash, high, speed, flash, macro, Greg Scott, Gregory J. Scott, tutorial, techniques, unedited images, sequence, session, one hour, Ash Canyon B&B, Arizona, Sierra Vista, Southeast Arizona, technical